We import NOCH preformed layouts from Germany and finish them for a turnkey, ready to enjoy professional installation.
Our finished layouts feature Euro Model Trains exclusive EMTZ line of built-up super detailed lighted structures.
Check out currently available finished layouts.
In stock: NOCH Deluxe Z Briefcase Layout "Meran" and Z layout "Cortina".
Both are finished using our exclusive line of EMTZ structures.

Visit Our Showroom!
Euro Model Trains showroom is located at 121 Poole Ave in Union Beach, New Jersey.
Showroom is only 40 minutes from Newark airport and 1 hour from NYC.
We stock Marklin, Roco, PIKO, TRIX and more - Starter Sets, Trains and Track and Accessories.
Visit and discover NOCH Pre-Formed Layouts!
Hours of operations: Saturday and Sunday by appointment only.