LGB G 30679 RhB Ex.Train Pass.Car, 2nd Cl

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  • LGB G 30679 RhB Express Train Passenger Car  2nd Class 2022 New Item
RhB Express Train Passenger Car, 2nd Class
This is a model of an RhB express train passenger car, 2nd class. The paint and lettering are prototypical for Era VI. The car has complete interior details and interior lighting, and current pickup is done with ball bearing wheelsets. The doors can be opened. The car has metal wheelsets. Length over the buffers 62 cm / 24-3/8.

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System: DC
Sound: N
Country: N/A
Era: VI
Railroad: N/A
EAN: 4011525306795
Availability: In Stock

Regular price $382.99 USD
Regular price $0.00 USD Sale price $382.99 USD