Meet Carl - a man with a plan.
Hi Michael, Here is the info on the work so far.
As you know, I’ve been a model railroader for many years. After a few European trips and seeing all the variety of frequency of trains there I decided to build a European themed layout. I found a European themed layout on Amazon and ordered it.

The layout is planned using Marklin’s C Track. I decided to go Marklin because I liked the detail of the models, the simplicity of 3 rail and that I can use tighter radius curves. The visible part of the layout is quite nice. When I started flipping through the plans and saw the benchwork design along with the lower hidden level I wonder if I bit off more than I can chew. Since the plans are all in metric the first thing I did was to invest in a meter stick and a metric tape measure.

The benchwork went together very easily and what looks like a jigsaw puzzle will set me up for having attachment points for the upper levels. I laid out the track on the open framework to check for proper positioning. I then put plywood underneath the track and made a “compass” car to mark the plywood and cut it out to fit. Because I wanted to deaden the sound and have a smooth surface I glued 1/4” cork to the plywood. From here the track was laid and secured, the wiring is in and I’ve test run what I have so far. I will send you more updates as the work continues. Regards, Carl